What is autoimmune? It is when the immune system malfunctions and starts to see some part of its normal anatomy as a problem, so it creates antibodies that attack your own tissue. The body mistakenly launches an attack on itself which would normally be reserved for pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. This can lead to deterioration and sometimes destruction of that tissue.
Can you name an autoimmune disease? Over 90% of people can’t. Yet, they are the third leading cause of illness and death in the industrialised world, surpassed only by cancer and heart disease. It affects 1 in 20 people and most are women.
Autoimmune is an umbrella term that has over 80 different known states of disease under it. For this reason, there is a huge variation in those affected by autoimmune disease. Autoimmune disease can present in a specific part of the body, like Autoimmune Thyroid Disease. Or it can be systemic where the effects are felt throughout the body, such as Lupus. Some are quite common and others are very rare.