What You Probably Didn’t Know About Root Canals

Root Canals

Merely uttering the words ‘root canal’, you’re bound to send a shiver down the spine of at least five people in your general vicinity. For many reasons, the thought of getting a root canal can send people screaming from the room.

However, the truth is, modern dentistry advancements have enabled dentists to become far more skilled in the safe, effective and ultimately painless procedure of root canals of sensitive teeth. While traditionally it was not uncommon for dental work to be performed by a blacksmith, you can now expect a far more refined and comfortable experience – even when it comes to root canals. If you’re not familiar with a root canal procedure, at least not one performed today, then here are just a few things you can expect when it comes time to see your dentist.

The Procedure Is Straightforward

According to dentists many people who have received a root canal, the procedure is no more painful than a tooth extraction. While it may take a little longer in most cases and does require follow-up appointments, it’s not complicated for an experienced dentist or inconvenient for a patient.

Once you arrive at your appointment, you’ll be led to your dental chair where you’ll sit while the dentist works their magic. They will remove infected or inflamed pulp from within your tooth or teeth, clean the tooth, shape it, then fill it. By filling it, they are reducing the risk of infection. This procedure is typically step one.

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